Il Desiderio
“IL DESIDERIO Overo De’Concerti di varij Strumenti Musicali“ is the title of a treatise by Hercole Bottrigari, published in 1594 in Ve- nice, dealing with theoretical and practical questions of the instrumental music of that time.

IL DESIDERIO – the desire – today stands for a young ensemble’s wish to make a contribution to the present state of knowledge of historical performance practice, and to make the vocal and instrumental music of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries accessible to today’s audience through artistically appealing projects employing a varied and colorful instrumental ensemble.

Besides the use of various historical flutes, in particular a three- to five-part flute consort that distinguishes itself through its soft and homogeneous timbre, the make-up and size of the ensemble va- ries according to the demands of the respective musical genre. The tonal blend, on the one hand, and the contrast of different instruments, on the other, allows the ensemble to experiment not least with the tonal spectrum of its instrumentarium, and with that to take into account the vocal aesthetic, oriented on expressiveness, of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Founded in 1998 by Thomas Kügler, IL DESIDERIO is made up of musicians who through their studies and many years of practice have specialized in the playing of historical instruments, and who contribute their many individual artistic experiences and views to IL DESIDERIO’s projects.