Arantza Ezenarro

Born in San Sebastián on 24th June 1980th Arantza Ezenarro begins her musical studies at the school of music Musikabi under the management of Javier Santacana. During these years she is member of the vocal group Musikabi and participates in numerous festivals as a soloist: San Sebastián, Pamplona, Fuenterrabia and Valladolid.

Already in August 2001 she participates in the Quincena Musical Donostiarra and performs in the opera Rigoletto under Jesús López Cobos and the orchestra of the Basque conutry.

In 2002 she goes to Madrid, where she continues her vocal studies with Carmen Rodríguez Aragón and Aida Monasterio. She also studies with the song pedagogue Helmut Lips and Istvan Cservjan.

She received a scholarship for further studies through the musical youth of Spain (Juventudes Musicales) and gained the first prize in the competition of the Juventudes Musicales - what gave her the opportunity to give numerous concerts, up to now in Balearic Islands, Castilia and León (Valladolid y León) and soon in the Comunidad Valencia and Catalonia.

In the same way she stays in touch with the cultural activities of her hometown, for example within the scope the festival La Quincena Musical.